It's been a couple of crazy, awesome, fun-filled weeks around here. Lots of beach trips, family time and memory making have been going on in this Crisp family's life. We are enjoying living as our own family unit, even if it is for a short time. Sleep has been plentiful, long days have been had, and laughter abundant. Enjoy the show!! (and my commentary, of course!)
July 1st
Beach day # 3

Olivia and Esther enjoying the waves together.

Garrett and Esther making 'sand' angels.

Esther and Avery helping Gideon in the waves.

Garrett is a natural in the water. He times his jumps and dives perfectly with the waves and is not overwhelmed when lots of waves hit him in a row. As you can see, he is a natural on the boogie-board too!

Olivia taking care of Avery in the water.

Gid made friends with the lifeguards.

Es building a sandcastle.

Gid trying to help dig the hole.
July 10thBeach day # 5
Gideon hung out in his swimmy diaper most of this day. It doesn't really matter what he's got on, he's cute!

Mermaid Esther
July 4thThe day was spent at the beach, but no pictures to show for it.
That night, we waited in the backyard for the Cherry Hill fireworks, that we weren't able to see. Oh well, we had fun waiting for them jumping on the tramp.

Mommy and Esther

Daddy and Garrett

Not quite a family picture. No one took a nap on the way home from the beach this day, so Gideon was put to bed early and didn't get to enjoy the night life!
Action shots on the tramp.
July 8thWhat's a better way to end the day then jumping on the tramp with the sprinkler under it??

July 10thWe joined in the fun of cow appreciation day at Chick-fil-a and had the kids dress as cows for a free meal. Thanks to dress-up clothes at the house we're staying in, the girls were fully decked out as cows. Garrett only had the snout and ears, but got a free meal anyway!

Everyone say, "Eat more chicken!"

Olivia insisted on eating with her whole costume on. By the end of her meal, she had ranch dipping sauce all over her snout.

Pretty Esther cow!