One year ago, on February 18th we packed our lives into a truck. We made a last minute decision to forgo sleeping on the floor in the empty parsonage for one last night and instead, started our cross country trip to our new life in New Jersey. We had dinner at our friends house at 6pm and by 7, were saying some tough goodbyes to dear Michigan friends.
Packed to the limit, we started our journey. Josh and Indy in the rental truck. Me and the four kids (baby in utero) in the van. We weren't sure when or where we would stop for the night, but wanted to get as far as we could. At around 1 am on the morning of February 19th we pulled off in western PA. Desperate for a bed and some much needed sleep, I went to the front desk to see what the damage would be for a last minute room for the night. I guess it was the weary look in my eyes that caused the man behind the counter to have compassion and only charge us $60.00 dollars for a 100.00 dollar room.
The morning greeted us with some snow flurries, nothing we were worried about. The kids were excited to eat breakfast at the hotel's continental spread (okay, so were the parents!). We filled up on waffles, bagels, cereal and OJ. One less meal to buy on the road. The whole hotel experience was refreshing. Looking back, I see our needs being met in such huge ways. Ways I didn't see at the time.
After following the slowly moving truck for a couple of hours, I said goodbye to my husband and picked up the pace. I beat him by a little more than an hour. I can't tell you what I was feeling when I pulled into my parents driveway. One reason may be that I knew it wasn't our last stop. I knew we had so much more to do.
Wait for Josh. Let him stretch out. Unload the truck and repack the truck with our necessities for our next stop. Drive to our temporary home. Feel out our new home and the amazing people who inhabited there. Unpack the truck. Set up our sleeping space. Feed our family. You get the point.
I forgot one thing that I had to do. And it was major.
Check my pride at the door.
I am overwhelmed by the generosity of so many people who have cared for us in the past year. Tangibly loving us. Selflessly giving to us - not asking anything in return. It's way more than I deserve and can EVER repay.