well i know that it has been a while since i have posted anything, so i thought that i would write and let you know that i am still alive. i am looking forward to my vacation to new jersey. we will be going to the shore for a week and i can't wait to get there. the one thing that i hate about new jersey is that terrell owens lives there. i don't know if you are keeping up lately with all of the news of t.o. or not but i am tired of his belly-aching. i have been reading in isaiah and i found something in chapter 40 that has really got me worried about t.o.'s life and where he is going to end up if he doesn't get over himself. in isaiah 40:23-24 the Lord says, "He brings princes to naught and reduces the rulers of this world to nothing. No sooner are they planted, no sooner are they sown, no sooner do they take roo in the ground, than he blows on them and they wither, and a whirlwind sweeps them away like chaff." what worries me about all of this is that t.o. is making himself out to be a god and that is a problem. it says here that God made t.o. and just as easily as he made him he can take him out of commission. you would think that t.o. would see this since last year he was taken out of commission for so many weeks with a broken leg, but he still seems to think that we should bow at his feet and worship the very ground that he walks on.
another thing that bothers me about all of this is that t.o. is making so much money but that won't make him happy, he just has to have more. does he not understand that there are firemen out there that are doing their jobs as volunteers? there are policemen and teachers that barely get by on their salaries, but he is playing a child's game and yet he wants to be paid how much? i haven't decided yet, but i am so tired of hearing about all of these "sports stars" that aren't making enough money. i am really thinking about boycotting pro sports altogether, which is really hard for me to say since i live for sports, but i am really considering. do we not understand that there are far better things for us to spend our time and money on rather than sports. instead of sitting on our butts on the weekend watching the boob tube, we could be outside with our children or nephews or neices or whatever teaching them how to play the game the way it was invented to be played.
i know that i have rambled on for a while, but i just had to get this out. like the name of this blog is called, i am a very confused man trying to think all of this through. i hope that may be God has said something to you through this and if you don't agree with me, then i am sorry, but not really. God bless you all and good day.