Tuesday, October 18, 2005


i'm having some issues here lately. my wife is now 7 months pregnant as you can see. she is doing marvelously, but she is starting to get under my skin. she has been reading a book called lies women believe and i am starting to get a little frustrated with her. the book itself sounds pretty good. the lady who wrote it has based everything around scripture and i find that that usually makes for a pretty good book. the problem that i am having with jess, though, is that one of the lies that this writer says that women believe is that
we have a right to decide the size of our families. this is something that has bothered me over the past week and a half. the reason that it bothers me is not that it comes from scripture, but that it is a faith issue. you see, i have always struggled with faith and putting my whole life in God's hands. that is the exact point that jess is talking to me about. another problem is that i don't want to have 500 kids and i feel that if we just didn't have me snipped and if we didn't use some sort ofbirth control, soon i'll be driving a bus just to get my kids around. gentlemen, let me advise you, if you don't want a lot of kids, then i would advise you to never let your wives read this book. right now, i am fighting a fight that i thought that i was done with. we had made a deal that after our 3rd kid, we were done. now i'm not so sure she feels the same way. hope y'all make out better than i did.


Josh and Cammie Delph said...

Don't worry... Josh is snipped too. And after ONE kid. Look at the Duggar family in Arkansas.. 16 KIDS. THAT is craziness. This is an interesting issue. Hope you and Jess can come to an agreement on what is best for your family. (Lots of kids means lots of $$$, too!!)

Unknown said...

Holy Cow I'm going to have 15 nieces and nephews. Seriously though, I'm curious. By "a matter of faith" do you mean that you wish to exercise your faith to believe that God will provide for your family no matter how large it is? Faith that God will only give you as many children as you should have? Or something else? Or all of the above? I'm not judging right, wrong or other, just trying to understand.

Anonymous said...

If it's a faith thing- what is it you are struggling with? If God wants you to have 100 kids you will have 100 kids even if the biology says it's not possible. (See Abraham & Sara; Zachariah & Elizabeth; and hey- I believe Mary was a VIRGIN!!!!!

Ever wonder why the Bible is silent on this issue? It's because the reason for the issue didn't exist then.

Do you live in circumstances, as in biblical times, where you need a bus load of kids to work the land and keep the tribe from extinction? Do you live in an area of the world where health care is so difficient, as in biblical times, that the percentage of each child actually surviving to adulthood was a little over 50%?

This is an issue between a husband and a wife- pray through it together, come to terms with what you as a couple are comfortable with, weight the checks and balances, and leave everyone else out of your family planning.

just a thot.
