Sunday, November 22, 2009

It made me cry

THIS made me cry.
The pen/pencil holder from the desk at our old house.

Why? You ask. Because it's part of my life that is packed away in HERE.

Because the reality of life being packed upstairs in my parents garage doesn't bother me until I go digging through boxes looking for my STUFF.

This is 90% of our STUFF. The STUFF that filled our home. That held the kids clothes, decorated the walls, kept the kids warm at night, and served dinner every night for 8 years.

Now IT collects dust and cob webs.

Look in the bottom right hand side of this picture, is a curved piece of wood, the end of our crib. The crib all of our children have slept in, EXCEPT Nora. I want her to sleep in it. I wonder if she will ever get to.

I know it seems like a silly thing to cry about, but I did.
And wonder, "What ARE you doing, God?"


Unknown said...

Not silly at all. I feel for you girl.

B,P,R,S & L said...

I know exactly how you're feeling. As I pray for answers, I will lift you up in prayer also.

Jessa said...

Jess, I'm sorry you're going through this hard time. We lived with my parents for 2 years and just this summer bought our first house. Unpacking those boxes has been amazing - finding things I'd forgotten about; my girls being so excited over all the pretty treasures I'd had to store away and all the pictures we haven't seen in years. I know how hard it is. I don't think it's silly at all to cry. I firmly believe God will meet your needs AND give you the desires of your heart... Hugs to you and your family.

jess e. said...

not silly at all! but this too will end!

The Three Moons: said...

Jess, you brought tears to my eyes. I can feel for you friend. Just a reminder that God is an "ever present help in times of trouble." We may not feel him or see what He is doing, but He promises to be "ever present" even when we're not sensing it. I will pray for you!