Sunday, April 15, 2012

My Job

I love my job.  I know who I work for.  My boss give chance after chance, never threatening to fire me.  When the work place is a mess, I am not put down.  When my attitude is selfish, I am gently reminded of my necessity to serve.  When I don't see eye to eye with my co-worker, there is confrontation, correction and reconciliation.  When I'm frustrated with my subordinates, my boss listens and fills in the gaps, coming to my rescue when I need Him most.  When I feel like I'm failing at my job, my boss exudes abounding grace.  My boss is ever patient and true.

In light of all that my boss has done for me, how can I give any less to my co-worker and subordinates?

I may not bring home a paycheck for my work, but feel blessed beyond what I deserve to be able to do what I do.  The hearts and lives of the future generation are in my care.

As I work each day, I pray that in my successes and failures, my children will see our Savior.  I know my work is not in vain and cannot be done in my own strength.  May the seeds I sow reap a harvest that enables generations to see our great God, serve Him, and believe in His saving grace.

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