Tuesday, June 26, 2007

garrett & the 2 wheeler

here is garrett riding his 2 wheeler. he is just getting too big and he is really good at this. olivia can ride a little but not this good. anyway, enjoy!!!!


The Maxwell House said...

thats so awesome... we'll have to go for a ride when we come out.... IN 2 WEEKS!!!!!

Johnny G said...

Garrett!! That is an amazing ride!

Way to go.

Nana & Papa

Eric said...

AMAZING!! I just got Elijah's bike fixed tonight and we are going out to work on that tomorrow. Garrett is a MASTER! Way to go little man!!

Jenn said...

Jess!! Way to go, chasing that kid!! I would be so outta breath and I'm not pregnant!!! Awesome ride Garrett.....you need to give Nate a lesson or two!!