Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Here's what happens. . .

Here's what happens when you add a fourth child to the mix. You forget that you have a two year old who likes to get into everything! Mostly things that she's NOT suppose to be into. Here's a typical morning, me putting her hair up. She sits still and doesn't fight me at all.
This picture would be what happens when you aren't watching your 2 year old and she gets into the cabinet in the bathroom with daddy's pomade in it. I guess she didn't want her pigtails any more and wanted a faux-hawk like her dad and brother.


The Maxwell House said...

i love her little "haha i'm so cute even though i did something i knew was wrong" smile. and then breast feeding in the background just makes the picture complete.

dawn wilson said...


you are seriously a pillar of strength!!!! I have no idea how you do it! 4 little darlins running around. Truly - you are my hero! You really were born to be a mom. Congrats on the new addition... seems to be going great - just like all of your kiddos! You always seem to have it together - must be that ultra laid back personality of yours. I need to learn a thing or two!!! You teach that stuff?!?!

I am freaking out these days and I only have one goober causing trouble around me. A bit of news with us: we are moving into a house that needs MAJOR renovations next wednesday. They have started but will continue for at least the next 3 months, if not much longer. I will be doing before and afters on my blog. I am also getting my masters - i will be done next Christmas and I am hating every minute of it. But if I have to work, I guess I better make the most I can at it. Also we recently had a miscarriage but God is so good to intervene... we found out the baby would have had Turner Syndrome. So thankful that my little one didnt have to endure a lifetime of difficulty. She (and it was a girl) got to skip this broken world and go straight to the good life!

Anyway, I am so happy for you - Gideon is such a little pumpkin!