I can tell, I haven't convinced him.
I sleep terribly, thinking about Olivia being the 'new kid.' About Garrett not adjusting to change. I pray for peace, for all of us. For a spirit of power, not a spirit of fear.
I wake up, ready the kids for school - pray, pray, pray.
Olivia has her coat on for 10 minutes before we have to go. She's ready! Garrett doesn't go to preschool until the afternoon, but I thought it would be a good idea for him to see Olivia go to her class for his confidence.
Walk into the office, wait for the teacher. The staff was welcoming and wonderful. Mrs. S. comes in, shakes hands, explains drop off, lunch, class, specials...so much information!! I explain that Olivia has not experienced all day school yet, but that I'm not worried about her AT ALL. O and G are taking it all in. The colorful hallways, the busy adults, safety patrol at the doors, and all the kids. We walk into the all purpose room where O will line up for her day. A nice woman greets G, "HI HANDSOME!" G plays shy, but smiles as we walk by.
O is taking in the more than 100 kindergartners in the APR - she seems a little taken back, but not afraid. The teacher invites G and I to go up to her room and see it. I'm glad, for G. As we walk in line through the school, I can feel G's excitement rising - just by his energy.
O is dropped off, she doesn't even turn to hug or kiss me, I had to go over to her (tear)! As we walked out of the building G says, "Mom, is it lunchtime yet?" I think, "Oh man, this is going to be a LONG morning!"
G was so excited the whole morning, asked if it was lunch time more than 20 times! Prayers were answered! He was excited when I dropped him off and when I picked him up. His teacher said he did great, lets pray he keeps it up.
I wasn't crazy with the camera at the school b/c I felt a little foolish taking pictures of my kids in the middle of the school year. I hope these are good enough.
G and O outside the van, ready to take O in the morning.