Here's what we've been up to:
We've been visiting churches, trying to find our fit. This is harder then we thought it was going to be. There are so many things to consider when finding a church home, one of the most important things, we are finding out, is where the kids are happy and thriving.
Josh was busy trying to get a job - tons of applications online and lots a resumes sent out. But he got a job, the way we knew he would, through people we knew. My sister-in-law, Cheryl, just started at a company called Lawn Connection and was able to get him started there in less than a week. It's been quite and adjustment for him, working LONG hours and doing hard labor. He likes it a lot, just has to get used to the schedule. I wish I had a picture of the sun-tan he's getting!!
My sister and I moved us to my parents on Tuesday. I'd like to thank the Leeds family again for letting us crash in their family room for the last month +. I know it was a great time for us. We are so thankful for the love that was shown to us - for everything we can never re-pay, only thank, thank, and thank some more! Back at my parents house, the last thing I have to do is get my hard working husband to move the dressers into the house so we can stop living out of bins and suitcases. I'm patiently waiting...
We've also been fighting a serious fever virus that is wreaking havoc on my children's immune systems. This thing WILL NOT go away! Olivia and Gideon had it at the same time and Garrett and Esther have both had days on and off with the fever. All I can do is hydrate and keep them as comfortable as possible. Today was Esther's turn to have the fever again. She ran the highest fever of all the kids today, and I have to say, is handling it really well.
As many of you knew, we were not going to have Olivia finish school, but start 1st grade in the fall. After some consideration, we have decided to have her finish Kindergarten at Riverside Elementary. She will be going all day, everyday, which will be adjustment from MI, where she was half day, everyday. Garrett will also be starting preschool, which he's never experienced before. He will go in the afternoon from 12:10-2:33. I'm really excited about this and hope that he will love school. Be looking for "first day of school" pictures on Monday, their first day!
That's the update for now. Thanks for all your prayers as we walk down this path of uncertainty and adventure.
Jess, I miss seeing your kids beautiful faces! Miss you guys
Just catching up on you guys- happy 30th birthday a few days late!!! I was thinking of you on Thursday! I'm in Indiana right now helping Tim and Rachel out. They had their baby- Anna- last Sunday and everyone is doing well. Corban and I are here for a week helping out with meals, etc. We are continuing to pray for you guys- great that Josh got a job:) Love ya!
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