Monday, September 08, 2008

How we're adjusting

Today marks the first full week for O to be at school in the morning. We've been trying out some different things to help pass the time. One of the activities that is a big hit is Garrett's "school" time. Because I wasn't able to get him into the free pre-school program through our county, I bit the bullet and am attempting a focused activity time with him in the morning. He's a very intelligent kid, but lacks the focus it's going to take to complete a task. The time is not so much that he learns, although that will be nice, it's just to get him motivated to sit and focus on a task and finish it. So far, he's done wonderfully. This morning he even came up and asked if it was "his school" yet. He doesn't enjoy the handwriting part, it's a little too detailed for him. However, he hasn't reduced himself to tears or even fits, just a bit of complaining and questioning on when he can do another page. The color pages are what take him forever. He makes them too detailed, and therefore wants to give up. He is very precise in staying in the lines and coloring as hard as he can to get all the color on the page, which makes the task take twice as long as it should. One day I was interested to see how long it would take him to color the turkey on his page, so I timed him (without him knowing). 25 Minutes later and he was finally done. He didn't complain through it, just stopped after every stroke of the crayon and asked a ton of questions. I gently focused him back on his task and he finished. It was hard for me to not rush him. I am slowly learning that it's not the quickness in which we finish a task, but the thoroughness which is important. Josh and I are always reminding each other that the kids don't have to move at warp speed just b/c we do. It's a good reminder to enjoy the moments, cherish the time, not make it go any faster than it already does.

Garrett coloring his turkey.

Look at the determination!

Esther usually starts out with us at the table, but likes to do her own playing. She was packing her back-pack for school.

I knew these two would be trouble without Olivia - here they are playing in the mud.

Garrett was picking up big handfuls of mud and throwing it to the ground saying, "CREATION!" It made me think of an artist who randomly throws paint on the canvas and makes a work of art.

The dog even got in on the mud time. His face should be mostly white!

Gideon doesn't know anything is different yet, he's still lots of fun!

1 comment:

The Hulfish Family said...

Uncle Andrew has some worksheets that he wants to send Garrett for handwriting. He says they make handwriting fun! glad to see that he is enjoying his 'focus' time and that everyone is adjusting well. . .and Gideon is too cute